Icelander's: A Private War On Narcoterrorism
Helpful information about “Tactical Shooting: A New World: A Private War On Narcoterrorism – Steve Jackson Games Forums by Icelander”.…
Evolving Game Systems and Chinese Historical Game
“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” – John Maynard Keynes As a Science…
Economics in my GMing: How I handle wealth
I was lurking in the Sjgames forums when I cam by this interesting question. How do you handle wealth increase.…
Progress Update: keepinig me Busy
This is what is keeping me busy right now. I’m doing this on a laptop so it is slow and…
Creature Creation: Science Behind Size
I got this from the NYT article about Big Bang Theory. The blog of the scientist who makes the show…
Game Design: Organizing the Art
Art is something that can really help bring out the imagery with a cost efficient expense of effort. My inspiration…
Games Saving The World
This TED video sums up also my ideals and how I design games.
Female Warriors
One of the better threads, particularly since it is very constructive to me. Taking to account, biology and how it…
Pacifism: Cannot Harm Innocents
The Pacifism: Cannot Harm innocents Disadvantage is common through out all cultures. Innocents and Humanity is diffused by the lense…
Detailing the Kingdom of Jerusalem
I updated my byzantine blog. Its a specific blog about my altered history byzantine project: Sins of the Crusade. I…
Too much Role-playing in Real Life
After learning Game Theory basics I’ve begun to pursue my own studies into it. I have to blend some actual…
Thread Titles
Title threads with exactly the (boiled down) question or idea. No need to declare newb-ness or any other matter. Consider…
Having Mundane Combat Skills
Realistic Ancient Soldiering was basically getting a bunch of people to one place in the best condition possible to fight.…
Nerd On! Lances and Physics
I’m a fan of “Nerd On”! Its like an argument you would have in “Big Bang Theory” by its arcane…
The different type of Gamer Geek
I just started watching Big Bang Theory. Of course, they had to make the Nerds-Geeks there a bit more cartoonish…
Freethinking Game is a Go
Update, my game is pushing through as of the confirmations received as of now. Hopefully, the Murphies will be stuff…
Mail Armor: Using Real World Data in RPG sets a dangerous precedent
Dan Howard has come out with a recent article about the science behind Mail armor, dispelling myth and enlightening us.…
Just Stumbled on Mythic Europe,
I was looking for maps of the Kingdom of Jerusalem for a quickie game I’m planning when I stumbled on…
To not reply
A reply that wasn’t going to happen. if that’s what your looking for, then you’re better of going on your…
I want to run a game.
That urge has come again to run a game. Of course I can’t act on it. The games I could…
Right now I’m very busy and I don’t think I will be free to update until august.
2nd Week of May
Loot of Previous Week: +1,442.5gp Elfbane Dagger +1 Cloak +2? Bracers +2 (converted to XP) 6 Potions Purple 3 Potions…
If I had a chance to run a DnD Game.
Running a DnD Game. Low Magic World. Dark Ages, Falling Civilization and fighting back impossible odds. Core Rules Mostly Outside…
Yesterday’s game
Currently Calculating. the amount of xp i can convert to craft points. Too bad the materials are discarded when I…
Monday Already
interesting DnD tools. I considered doing some for my own use, especially for historical items and features. Dan Howard’s Armors.…
Mistakes mistakes…
been reading up on the details of my character. Since we in a hurry and we really are not seriously…
Wanting to Game
GURPS medieval 12th Century. This was the rise of maces and when heavier and heavier swords were being needed to…
Just a place to ramble about nothing important
Eberron Last Night.Xp from the last 2 sessions: 2,560xpMagical Items Salvaged:(saved for Craft Points) Warforged claw (184xp?) Studded Leather +1…
Another dark dream
It was another post apocalyptic world. This time, there were people who were born with supernatural owers. Some were born…
Dream another Dream
Another dream. Had a dream I was back in southridge. I was acing my tests and kicking ass. It was…