Gaming Some Systems
Gaming our Telco’s local Phone Plan. The wife is great at this. Planning to get a “Phablet” a Note II.…
Back to working on GURPS MIddle Ages LITE
Looking at what there is left, I think it will be another 20 more hours to finish it. I need…
Finished Game Prep
20 hours of writing. I write slow and I zoneout while writing, a mixed blessing if there is anything positive…
Spent 5 hours modifying an adventure
Slept at 3am, finishing up an adventure. It needs some polish, but I learned a couple of things to short…
More Lethal D20, some learning from tests
D20 SRD without HP is pretty fun. I didn’t have a game to test it out, just a little of…
Finished D20 SRD homebrew Prep
It just need some polish, but it is practically finished. I was able to construct some characters and test out…
Ally or Contact – complexities of relationships
I was wondering about if one had only limited character currency what one should spend on, and I found allies…
I finally checked out Pathfinder; Story Teller Meta-Rules
Its Nice… but its So much to learn. My brother commented “why not just use Pathfinder” and I was worried…
Updated my D20SRD Homebrew Rules
D20 SRD has no power creep, accessible, easily define-able You can find it here. Combat is Lethal with Con being…
Risk and XP
As a scout in airsoft with the killer instinct of a pacifist geek so I get killed a lot in…
A Wiki of GM skills and wisdom
There are so many skills and knowledge that goes into the hobby, and a lot comes from everyone’s own unique…
Ally followers black boxing
Other than the characters personal wealth, he spends points on allies, which are his followers. Allies that are followers provide…
GMing – example of mastering a lot of skills fast
How you use your time can be optimized, some activities use more of your brain and are made up of…
GURPS LITE update; Agents and Brokers
I might as well make it a fairly complete low tech booklet. So I’ve added templates for adventuring professions: Rogues…
Social Advantages requirements
Some advantages have a cost to maintain. Contacts and networks are something I am terrible at maintaining, my best bet…
Role-playing Debate and Argument
Knowing “Objections“, Logical Fallacies, and Cognitive Biases are usefull life skills… but it should not get in the way of…
Quicker Play Ideas; Musing a different kind of podcast
So I hit a lot of major edits. Right now the LibreOffice is slowing down. I plan to revert them…
GURPS Lite Setting Specific Polished
I predict that it will be around christmass when I will finish my final polish this this GURPS lite doc…
Organized some text: GURPS Lite setting specific
I tried to reconstruct my GURPS lite that was specific to Low Tech. I’ve hit a milestone where I finished…
Cards as an Organization Mnemonic
Using Cards The cards are meant to concentrate and prepare details that are relevant. In a Top Heavy game like…
Good Content vs Light Content
Getting organized, i realized that it takes me about 4 hours to accomplish a satisfactory piece. Especially when it contributes…
Some Notes on Crisis Game
Crisis games are what I call games where things get really really bad but its not the end of the…
I have an artist already; patience is needed
I found an artist already. So this journey begins. Hoping for the best, and time must be taken. Basically the…
Specializing – multi tasking
I am commissioning a map, which I plan to detail with some economic information. I’m familiar with enough of the…
Small Mutant Future Character Sheet
update: changed the google docs link to “anyone with this link” to “public on the web” and updated the link.…
Combat Leader’s Field Guide as a GMing tool
This is how I see using this field manual as a Gaming tool. Of course it would be helpful to…
Wilderness vs Dungeon Encounter Map Generator part 1
Dungeons are more linear and have been adopted by how much it eases the GM’s job by boiling down options…
Kitchen sink setting
How do you calibrate a Kitchen Sink setting? I would begin with a survey of players, and how challenging they…
Finished: GURPS 4E player handout
I got a strong urge to make a player hand out based on GURPS Lite 4e. What I did was…