Voluntary Disadvantages: an Exercise in Game Theory
An system-neutral look at character disadvantages, their value and how they provide incentive for role-playing. Disadvantages have a measurable affect…
Patrons, Demographics, and Realism
Patrons of “Ye olden times” had to provide assets for their retainers. Beginning with adequate capital of one’s own earning…
[GURPS] Shields as Cover.
A shield is not just a portable wall that flickers in and out of the character’s way. Shields were intentionally…
The Role of In-Game Economics.
A Game’s Money System is meant to express economic “reach” of a character. In many simulation games, the attempt to…
GURPS, Accounting, and Traveller
I’m learning Financial Accounting right now, and I’ve come to learn interesting concepts. Particularly how to compromise the GURPS concepts…
Quick Concept Generation: Super Light System.
I’m running a Systems Light Game for a group of players unfamiliar to my gaming style. I don’t want to…
GURPS Intelligences: why Math kicks too much a…
This is why mathematic ability shouldn’t just be worth 5cp. GURPS Intelligence. I envy those who have “leet” math skillz,…
GURPS Ultra tech and High Tech Corrections
Some unofficial (but necessary) corrections. This makes more sense for me, and allows more natural progression in combat doctrine as…
GURPS Traveller and Ultra Tech Problems
In this thread alone:Ammo. Ammo variety have to be re-balanced. In the thread discussing HEMP (High Explosive Multi Purpouse) rounds,…
How to use all those skills?
One can find my Knight or Warrior caste templates in my byzantine blog. Things to Roll… Administration: roll to stretching…
No Combat Reflex
Combat Reflex has some problems. Discussed in the following thread: Is enhanced defense Purely cinematic?Should I allow Combat Reflex in…
Exoskeletons, Load Bearing Gear and Encumberance
So you can carry 45lbs with no encumbrance, does that mean one can still move as freely as a person…
GURPS and Intelligences
In GURPS Raw intelligence is 20cp per levelThis includes awareness, attention and will power (Perception and Willpower). Other Intelligences are:Perception…
Professional Skills
GURPS. In gurps I’ve always wondered how these skills reflected real life. I’ve taken to account several things, and particular…
Modern Combat in TRPGs
Modern Combat in TRPGs. Have you played airsoft? Because one of the best things about that game is how it…