GURPS 6 second combat rounds and 1d6 minute luls
I’ll be doing some experiments for my upcoming game two weeks from now (oct 12). Basically reviewing the video and…
The RPG Business is exhausting to puzzle
Its 2013 and GURPS 4e is now about 9 years old. Prior to GURPS 4e, GURPS 3e was 1988. The…
False Sensations
Tao of D&D’s talks about Hearing Checks. GURPS B358 has a similar table but only in ranges. Decibel reference would…
Schelling Point again
Learning a new system, WH40K, I see the same Talents = Feats (d20) = qualities (SoIF) = advantages (GURPS) while…
Mistaken Game, an Opportunity
There are so many new entrants to Games because of Roll20 they don’t bother to read the fine print. My…
Migrating to GURPS Spaceships
There has been no update on GURPS Traveller ship combat rules. Its really time to dump them despite all the…
Augmentation Notes: Economics in Augmentation & Simpe Mental Augmentation
Economics of Augmentation I noticed in MgT that bonuses from Cybernetics are at +1 to +3 but from 1 to 2…
Open Computing (Any System)
If you just look at FLOPS Magnitude of Computing you pretty much get the benchmark for computer stats. I tend to…
IMTU augmentation is signature gear
I’ve ruled that cybernetics a dependent bio tech mods are signature Gear and min maxed it to see how far…
Burden of problem solving
One of the things that take time is asking permission. It was in Happy Jacks where I heard of a…
GURPS TDMS 2 – Special Feats
Margin of Success or Failure is a powerful tool, I only noticed GMs have run the system a long time.…
Game Design – TDMS
As much as I like TDMs and actually look for examples of various TDMs in a skill, who has time…
A Quick GURPS SLAM Table
I got pretty annoyed at the Slam Rules Calculations, so I made a color coded table in Calc, I had no…
Threshold vs Attrition Systems
Hit Points vs Hit Threshold; Fatigue Points vs Fatigue Threshold There is a BIG system difference between the two, but…
Acrobatic Feats in GURPS
Just using Search-Fu to look carefully at Acrobatics. Basically I want to know how difficult each feat is, and what…
Dramatic vs Challenging Occasion to Roll
Working on my ORP I’ve made some breakthroughs in definitions, particularly defining Dramatic vs Challenging occassion to roll. Risk and…
Character Point Inflation
I was going over GURPS martial Arts and comparing martial arts to a mental and complex pursuit. After pulling back…
Skill Design – opportunity cost
I was remembering american pie and various other comedies where characters would flaunt their ability to observe undetected, their target…
How to use my Mongoose Traveller Costs Spreadsheet
‘Splaining why costs of freight in traveller are too low for the ship owner and why the GM has to…
Prepping for Song of Ice and Fire by Green Ronin
I have learned a lot and taking on a system I haven’t played is quite an interesting and time consuming feat. Even…
Many Small Topics
Summary Secret Rolls, and Trust Issues Recruitment for Mass Combat Just learned Alphabetical Index tools Digest Sized GML Secret Rolls…
TBone’s Report on Armor
RPG Science: Physical performance with armor and other loads found this by way of Jay Dugger in G+. So what can…
DnD 3.5 Combat System in GURPS and GURPS in DnD 3.5 Combat system
This is for those in DnD moving to GURPS, or for GURPS guys who want to bundle up seconds instead…
Combat Roles for Sci-Fi Ship Combat; hard Sci-fi hacking
In theory one can make combat roles for every position on a ship, the same way you have it in…
Just getting a lot of ideas down
Recalibrating Classes and Some Rules I was wondering about re-calibrating classes in 3.5. Breaking some tradition, and making more sense.…
Alternate Sneak Attack rules when there are no HP rules
Sneak Attack – roll an extra amount of your weapon damage dice equal to the number of d6s you would…
Back to working on GURPS MIddle Ages LITE
Looking at what there is left, I think it will be another 20 more hours to finish it. I need…
from 2010, Axial Age Setting and D20 based system.
I was really inspired to play or run a game set in the Axial Age. So I made a fantasy setting…
More Lethal D20, some learning from tests
D20 SRD without HP is pretty fun. I didn’t have a game to test it out, just a little of…