Back to Basics: Pacing – Dice Agency and Framing the Narrative
As a GM or Player, what do you think of the activity of Framing the Narrative? Is Framing the Narrative…
Spent 5 hours modifying an adventure
Slept at 3am, finishing up an adventure. It needs some polish, but I learned a couple of things to short…
GMing – example of mastering a lot of skills fast
How you use your time can be optimized, some activities use more of your brain and are made up of…
Role-playing Debate and Argument
Knowing “Objections“, Logical Fallacies, and Cognitive Biases are usefull life skills… but it should not get in the way of…
GURPS Lite Setting Specific Polished
I predict that it will be around christmass when I will finish my final polish this this GURPS lite doc…
Finished my First RPG Podcast; Trying out other History Podcasts
Finished Happy Jacks RPG Podcast se01ep01, I was honestly pessimistic, but it was a GURPS GM so I had to…
Living with One Self: Introspection and Education from RPGs
I’ve bought myself some introduction to Criminology as part of my Emotional Intelligence studies and I find it interesting how…
Copyright and Game Systems
Copyright and Game Systems Copyright is tricky because, it can lead to stiffling of innovation instead of rewarding it. Paladium…
“What is an RPG?” Exercise
Explaining “What is an RPG?” in the shortest and most efficient way speaks a lot about who the gamer is…