GURPS Magic Notes 13: Using Magic Items
A review of magic Items and some notes about how it affects a setting. Rules in Review The rules for…
Mistaken Game, an Opportunity
There are so many new entrants to Games because of Roll20 they don’t bother to read the fine print. My…
Burden of problem solving
One of the things that take time is asking permission. It was in Happy Jacks where I heard of a…
GURPS Gladiator Arena Session 3, but my 2nd
Report of +Vaclav Tofl The games were a “tribute” to a great general and a re-enactment of the war. Parmenion by +Martin…
My process dealing with young talent
I’ve talked to some artists and writers regarding work for my game system. I used to be in their shoes,…
IMTU: Updating the Ops Cost per Ship.
Just an update of ship expenses, all commercial shipping found in ISW. Note that these are the costs per Dton, there is…
Brokers Do Speculative Trade; Spacers Move Freight
I’ve divorced speculative trade and shipping. It kinda defeates the Terran Free Traders wording but it makes sounder business sense.…