Daydreaming of TL9 – a game that Spans 2050 to 2200.
Traveller Games in TL9 2050-2099 ike Delta-V where freelance Astronauts of various specializations are getting hired and trained for…
TL9 Exo Skeletons and Spare Part Grades
So from my background in Construction and manufacturing, as a Safety Officer, and Quality Management officer, as well as inspiration…
TL9 EMU Suit and its PSD File and Stats
both EMU unit and Crew Suit PSD file. TL9 Crew Suit 2200 PSD FILE Changed the Shadows Layer into an…
Photoshop FIle of the TL9 Crew Vacc Suit.
Photoshop file (gimp compatible) for TL9 Crew Vacc Suit Traced with a lot of liberties from Albin Merle’s 3d Rendering…
TL9 Basic Crew Vacc Suit 2200
Continued from Vacc Suit musings at TL9 One needs to explain that the way we think of suits as changeable…
Vacc Suit Musing from TL9 and implications. Survival Rolls in Hard-Scifi Travel
I’m bothered by Vacc Suit and Combat Env Suit Stats of MgT2E. one is 10kg the other is 2kg and…
MgT2E Problems with Equipment
what i like doing with my spare time. Armor Piercing and Armor Piercing Discard Sabot Rounds were not Factored…
TL9 Habitats, Vacc Tape, and Repair Wraps.
Stuff that I find frustrating when I’m prepping for our Traveller Game. After Delta-V and Seveneves I realized that versatility and…
Walled Garden of Apple – the Vilani Nobility’s Tech Monopoly and Cartels
In Gurps Traveller Interstellar Wars (2200 to 2300s; 2100-2299 ) the Vilani being an Imperial Monopoly and Cartel going crazy…
Alternate Jump Constraint, Near Space
Its a minor thing but because I made Fuel Tanks reaction mass for Intra-stellar travel. what allows multi-jumps? What is…
A shuttle sketch
Used GURPS vehicles and ISW to sketch out the ideas. This is something I wanted to know when I decided…
Schelling Points – Space combat – Same as a real life project at work or a bid, except for the lethality
In COADE or some of these space combat mechanics (Non-Dog-Fight Mechanics) can be simplified as ONE shelling point. The GM…
Taxes and Margins – Ways the GM can simplify his Job
I realize that not everyone enjoys the Books keeping, but the problem with not doing the books is CONSISTENCY that…
Trade off of Older Ships: usable in GURPS, MgT2 and CE.
This Exercises the Sense of Technical DEBT of the GM and the Players. If you want to exercise your Total Cost of…
How to use my Mongoose Traveller Costs Spreadsheet
‘Splaining why costs of freight in traveller are too low for the ship owner and why the GM has to…
Mongoose Traveller Review of Ops Cost
So this GM has finally got the time to study Mongoose Traveller. I think the numbers as a business are…