Present-day Africa – My next Modern Game
Initial African Studies Notes So I’m using the broad strokes of Demographic and Economic Data, and will proceed to go into…
War Beneath Heaven S02 E10 – The End has Arrived
Speedy is in the infirmary. Sam was taking care of him. Jeni visits him and this happens while the team…
GURPS Magic Notes 18: Zombies
“The Far East Triad lets everyone know they are into human trafficking, but what they really specialize in is what…
GURPS Magic Notes 19: Ghouls
Haven has undead, and its constantly growing population (as it shelters african refugees and lacking of reproductive health care, almost…
War Beneath Heaven S02 E07: Lost Leader
Cheng Dao and HSS decide it is best he represents HSS and Purchase the Title for Prince of the Heights.…
Haven Headlines
Headlines are topic of conversations and potential plot hooks. “Conservative Party” wins Majority in the Senatorial Elections “Liberal Party” contests…
GURPS Modern Fantasy – Pregens and Characters
Here are the characters so far. No one has made claims to the Pregens yet, and the game will be…
Modern Fantasy Setting: Haven
Taken from Digger2000 from campaign cartographer here is the Roll20 map Country population 150Million Land Area: 300,000 sqkm or 114,000…