information Design and Data Arrays for games : loadout mechanics and scene planning
Osr Notes Spreadsheet What I take pride in as a special ability is thinking in pivot tables and data arrays.…
ship problems – traffic in the star system
Spreadsheet for cepheus engine ships So I was supposed to use Orbital but I ran into problems 1) I want…
Mneme World Generator Blender Update – Asset Browser Settings.
https://youtu.be/OAyJWIx7Z6Q Setting up the Asset Browser so that it would be easy to Select and Drag Worlds. Video Shows the…
Fixing the Spreadsheet of Mneme World Generator – Inhabitants
fixing the Spreadsheet. After the spreadsheet back to Blender. Thank you to the Patrons who purchase this Month of October!…
Fixing the Star System Generator Sheet
Have to figure out a way to HIDE extra planets. Have to figure out a way to generate more…
got my medical certificate – weak from sickness
Got my medical certificate on Monday. Still feel weak. Usually after work I catch some Mwo and then I’m ready…
Some Updates – experimenting with Video unfortunately I’m rambly
need to review the manual the files look good. target October. getting close to affording the tablet for Nicco (300usd…
Ice world and Rocky world.
Probably finish by October as predicted (my covid countdown started Tuesday) Issues Manual Ongoing some of the textures do not…
Planet Generator Blender File UPGRADE – new more realistic landmass
Daniel Grove is where Nicco and I get a lot of Ideas for Traveller-Cepheus Engine, particularly using blender to create…
Projects by Feb or March, worse is same time again May to August.
I need to sell 110 copies per month to at 5usd per copy to have the ability to get someone…
Encode your own Worlds.
Darren Bulmer asked if we can just encode our own worlds. Answer: Yes. The yellow cells are where the Dice…
Google Tasks for Writing Projects – what 4 videos failed to explain; Progress Update
I watched about 4 Google Tasks Videos and they never explained they can open and VIEW DOCS or SHEETS INSIDE…