Economies of Effort and Frustration and Sadness
So much is a working memory problem: its really the ability to drill down deep and break down the problem…
How I slow down.
Slowing down is a Decomposition technique. It breaks down an overwhelming emotion and impulse so that it does not drive…
Flow of Action – How I work changed.
The more experience I have with the time of motion of people – the more I realize that people have…
Collect Requirements – Decomposition – Repeat/Retry
when I was listening to lectures on emotions the actionable take away was: 1) I was “hyper rational” before but…
Risks and Reality – Distrust and Miscommunication. 5Y analysis
Pandemics are not just Foreseeable, you cannot make people act on it unless they’ve experienced it. Anything too scary to…
Mindfulness and never taking yourself Too seriously
There is a reddit thread about the how much someone distrusts the self. Of course, we always express emotion, and…
A council of one.
when I find a Reporting Blindspot and I know we only had the Internet, Data, and Technology of such Costs…
Mindfulness Compartmentalized Part 2 – its like Exercise or Studying.
the compartmentalization of Mindfulness is like learning about sad and nuanced grown-up realities. Like having a family means almost no…
Mindfulness – Compartmentalized
It seems mindfulness is compartmentalized. Its really focused on the meditation, and where the mindset proves advantageous in most cases.…
Mindfulness – the Acceptance Loop, The Fear loop, the PDCA loop
So I’m currently having challenges with mindfulness. Experiencing things more vs. my sense of self. Those mechanisms of self are…
Mindfulness Studies – Identifying the Main Challenge of Acceptance
One of the takeaways of mindfulness lecture is a very different set of coping mechanisms. I notice that many of…