Test Characters: Fighter as Baseline, Long Lived Races Amnesia
The Fighter is the Baseline So I should balance the Professions and Specialists against this. From the looks of things…
Merchant Skill decoupled in GURPS
Merchant Skill is calibrated for Combat focused game and has been built in too many capabilities that should be delegated…
Wealth Checks with the Speed/Range Table
Simple resource system for GURPS for less Bean Counting. Use the Speed and Range Table in B550. Basically Begin with…
Open RPG update,
Wow, there are a lot of mechanics to cover. I also pegged it down until gunpowder becomes common use in…
Alternate Sneak Attack rules when there are no HP rules
Sneak Attack – roll an extra amount of your weapon damage dice equal to the number of d6s you would…
Monetary Option for D20 DnD 3.5
Home brew excerpt regarding the value of gold. I know the ratio of gold to silver and to copper is…