Test Characters: Fighter as Baseline, Long Lived Races Amnesia
The Fighter is the Baseline So I should balance the Professions and Specialists against this. From the looks of things…
Phandelver Notes – remaining Prep
Current Challenges. I quit facebook > I cannot find other gamers In the Philippines Facebook is everything. If you want…
Dogs as Familiars
Just to get over the annoyance that Dogs cant be the “Form” taken by the Spirit of the Find Familiar…
Distracted by D&D
So I was distracted about D&D since I invested in the Starter and Essentials Kit. I thought it would be…
D&D Starter and Essentials, a lot more work for my Target audience.
Bought the D&D Starter Edition and the Essentials Toolkit. My son is too young at 8, Turning 9 early next…
More Physical DnD 5E: movement, strength, and exhaustion.
These rules make it harder to travel and perform feats of strength compared to the Rules As Written. This puts…