Curiously Scoping: If I ran D&D Again
wondering what I would do different. if I would ever run D&D again. If included the time I would do…
DnD 3.5 Combat System in GURPS and GURPS in DnD 3.5 Combat system
This is for those in DnD moving to GURPS, or for GURPS guys who want to bundle up seconds instead…
Just getting a lot of ideas down
Recalibrating Classes and Some Rules I was wondering about re-calibrating classes in 3.5. Breaking some tradition, and making more sense.…
Alternate Sneak Attack rules when there are no HP rules
Sneak Attack – roll an extra amount of your weapon damage dice equal to the number of d6s you would…
Sample Characters for DnD d20 SRD Game
Home brew rules can be found here As an authors note, since I have no setting to base this I’m…
Finished D20 SRD homebrew Prep
It just need some polish, but it is practically finished. I was able to construct some characters and test out…
Updated my D20SRD Homebrew Rules
D20 SRD has no power creep, accessible, easily define-able You can find it here. Combat is Lethal with Con being…
DnD Classes and their Real World Counterparts
As the title points out, i’m interested in figuring out how DnD 3.X concept of roles compare to some real…
DnD Magic With a real Cost
Looking at economics of energy, Magic in any setting throws away laws of physics for the sake of metaphysical and…
and even More tinkering
Ogre Cleric of Magic and Chaos CR 6 [Core Rules Only] Appearance: They appear like ornate giant statues of coarsely…
More Tinkering
Spear Martial Artist CR 5 (DND3.5 Core Rules Only) Appearance: (Default) A handsome/beautiful strong lithe warrior of indistinguishable racial features…
Another tid bit
Evil Cleric CR 5Male Human Evil ClericNeutral Evil Medium HumanoidInit -1 (-1 Dex); Senses Listen +3, Spot +3Languages CommonAC 16,…
Some Encounter Ideas for our Game.
This is basically some encounter suggestions for the game. These guys would make it much harder Eastern Soldier CR 2M…