3 Body Problem Reflection and my own Writings
My problems with 3BP. I really like the series – of course, I understand the need to make events that…
Short Stories Test – elevenlabs Text to Speech PART 1
In eleven labs I got a 80% discount, so I got 30mins of audio reading for 1usd, it will be…
Freedom of such a Low Bar
There are so many favorite parts writing this – 1) Is that I can do the same structure I would…
Short Isekai March 27 2024 part 3
PART 3 Wren struggled to pronounce her name, Irilia, who gazed at him as if their souls were entwined by…
Short Isekai March 26 2024 part 2
PART 2The salt enhanced every flavor. Wren opportunistically gathered familiar herbs reminiscent of basil, oregano, thyme, and long peppers, blending…
Short Isekai March 25 2024 part 1
I’ve been consuming a lot of manga recapped and wanted to try it out. I wonder if the story is…
50% Sale Poster March 2024
Hi everyone , Letting you know about the sale at game in the brain of our products https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/publisher/17858/Game-in-the-Brain from march…
Lack of Hard Scifi Habitat Books – is this an opportunity for Game in the Brain.
So, Nicco and I are nearly done with the 60m diameter habitat. The ball was in my court for double-checking…
March 15 to March 31 2024 Game in the Brain Sales
Here are the links to get 50% Off in Mneme World Generator, Mneme Variant Combat and Mneme Space Combat. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?discount=9765a77d6a…
Character Generator Studies: User Interface Libraries – Data Handling spells
chatgpt cleaning up my ramblings. Which is an interesting dilemma – authenticity is being a rambling messy human with convoluted…
progress update : sick so I’m doing some simple JavaScript guided character gen
So I’m learning how to store values for the stats in cepheus engine gudied character gen https://github.com/justinaquinoGITB/CEguidedCHARgen240310 It begins with rolling…
CE guided character generation: redid it again
I’m learning as I go. I’m also putting in as many comments as possible so that others can also learn. Cleaned…
On a Whim – CE Guided Character Creation
I decided to just used chatgpt4 turbo to help me finish my side project and help me also document each…
Mneme Research: What the rotation Speeds actually Look like
SPIN CALC spreadsheet – calcultes degress per frame this uses blender 4.0 with 60fps 1920×1080 camera. Uploaded the new files…
Habitat Map and Tender Image. Uploaded to OneDirve folder
Hi everyone, the maps are uploaded to the One drive Here is the Power Point file of the Tender MAP and the…
100DT Tender Map, Tokens and Animation
So Nicco is working on the Tokens, Maps (of the Habitat), and Animation. We had to do the animation…
Progress Update: Tender 100DT and Habitat Ring 200DT. Courier STL and 3mf files uploaded
An update. That’s a 200DT ring and a 100DT tender. 200DT ring is like a motor home for the higher…
Progress Update: Stl to 3mf, Tender and Ring, Ship Design mechanics
we cannot make the scale proportional or its going to be too big. So what happens is there is a…
Mneme Ship Design – Part of Space Combat
Organizing all these notes so that I can make ships using a DTON bill of materials system is going to…
Designing the Mneme Ship Builder – Challenges
Mneme Ship builder has a key criteria for its design: I have to be able to create ships of the…
Update: Double Checking the DTONS – Asteroid Miner 200DT
UPDATE: (view the gallery here) In Mneme we try to make the ship fit the displacement tons in its stats.…
Update: Asteroid Miner Progress and Mining Drone
earlier vversion above. I cannot be tracked or wheeled since it assumes gravity, and it has to be able…
Chekov’s Gun in Details in the TRPG. Pull-System for Details and Elaboration
Checkov’s Gun is a principle by which we can approach details that affect stakes (stakes are things that give set backs…
Wealth is Easy, Intermediate is Status: it they still made GURPS Source books
being a Power-gamer before I’m still hardwired to look for Optimals. As a GM the rules on wealth in GURPS…
I wish I can finish my Homebrew Alternate Cepheus Engine to run Pandemic Philippines
I like running modern-day settings. I want to run 2021 near the “end” of the pandemic. I try to run…
GURPS Random Stats. Roll 12d6.
Step 1: Roll 12d6. Step 2: Assign the 12 d6s to the 12 Attributes and Secondary Characteristics. Attributes (4): ST,…
Testing: Talking about Making Game Notes screen cast and webcam
Testing OBS and Screencasting to show me tinkering with notes. Using an AMD A10 processor, 8GB RAM, Win10, 64bit. This…
Dungeon Fantasy Box Set Challenges.
My Dungeon Fantasy Box Set Arrived. I bought D&D starter set and essentials for my son and myself. I have…
Warfare Notes
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! So I’ve been listening to Tyrant Series, I just finished funeral games and I’m now…
Finished The Long War: Killer of men, Marathon, and, Poseidon’s Spear
These books makes me want to run a GURPS game set in that era (early 5C BCE). Although I would…