Learning Children of a Dead Earth Orbital Mechanics and Phasing.
Children of a Dead Earth was about 1usd because of the steam Summer sale. So I got it. Unlike Kerbal,…
Methodology Upgrade: Formula, Definitions, Example, and Anki Deck
I updated the Gaming List document to be more actionable. Basically i now added a methodology section as to state how…
My notes in using Zones
Zones (in Fate SRD) is a method of handling the location of a scenario or scene. Instead of working with precise…
Session, Act, Scene, and Player Scene.
I’ve come to a better understanding of Pacing, Acts, Scenes and Player Scene after analysing my problem solving techniques, Odyssey…
Running GURPS more Narratively
If you want to have less rolls, or probably no rolls as a GM in GURPS here are my notes.…
Back to Basics – Occasion to Roll
The occasion to roll is one of those ambiguous elements in TRPGs. I recently thought about some Project Management techniques…
Narrative Mass Combat: Part 2 – Applying Groupings and using Economies of Defense
This post is for GMs who want to tackle mass combat or scale the game at the level of armies…
Back to basics : exploring the fears to enhance immersion
Fear in war should be better explored. There is Fear of the enemy, fear of… … the minor tyrants who…
Narrative Mass Combat: Part 1 – Groupings and Leadership
3 part post about Narrative Mass Combat. This helps in running Mass Combat since it gives some basic principles to…
hypothesis: I game in the same manner I solve problems
In a discussion on different ways to run Mass Combat with a friend I realized that I cannot imagine how else…
Back to Basics: Listing GMing Techniques
I have a coping mechanism where I break down the mental routes I use and try to hack and analyze…
Back to Basics Narrative Tool of Scaling; Definition – World Building Game Style?
Scope and Scale: Individual vs Individuals with organizations. If I were to look at the Novels and Stories I’m currently…
Back to Basics – Each Session is a Unique Dialogue
Realizing Each Session as a Unique Dialogue is a new mnemonic/coping mechanism and tool for me. A session is not…
Back to Basics: Pacing – Dice Agency and Framing the Narrative
As a GM or Player, what do you think of the activity of Framing the Narrative? Is Framing the Narrative…
Back to Basics: Pacing and Tension, Pacing Tool
Two wonderful videos below on Pacing but I’m here to talk about some ways to apply it immediately. Pacing Grid…
Back to Basics: Organizing your session by Challenges, and a reminder on Pacing
Keeping things simple, my players will notice I will be using these mnemonics: Minor and Significant Challenges. Minor Problems/Challenges was…
Back to Basics: My Game Itinerary
Why it takes me roughly 4 hours to run a game. Part of the Back to Basics because I’ve tried…
How to GM Abstract Combat Part 3 – Initiative, Combat for the Non-Combat GM
Part 2 can be found here. This is Back to Basics. Initiative is a simple matter, it is for the…
Back to Basics – Empathy as the Goal
This is related to my post on the thesis that GMing is very much like Active Listening. Related to my…
How to GM Abstract Combat Part 2 – Economies of Attention
This is Part 2 of How to GM Abstract Combat. Here is part 1. Back to Basics. Economies of Attention…
How to GM Abstract Combat Part 1 – Think in Opportunities
Playing a game like Airsoft requires me to have some mnemonic tools to help improve and to compensate for the…
GMing Back to Basics: Gming with very Basic Mnemonics – Active Listening GMing
The most basic mnemonic of GMing is being a good listener. Effective and Scientific Communication Skills are easy to take for…
Gravity in everything the PCs do. Some mnemonic tools for your consideration
Things in a game goes along faster when we deal with what is important. We do this in summaries and…
Committed Phase, Game Theory-ish
I talked about schelling point before and I learned to put to words something recently: Committed Phase. Basically its a…
[GURPS] Sample Rogue, with basic use guide
Rogues are deviants, in party dynamics they serve as a specialized troubleshooter which takes a unconventional approach to problems. Unlike…
Basic Set Knight Template and a Short adventure
Another Basic Set compatible NPC, although you may want to get your hands on Dan Howard’s article: “Chainmail — Why…
GURPS Quick Adventure
Another GURPS NPC template. Instant Encounter. A bad harvest has forced several freemen to leave their homes to look for…
Basic Set Soldiers, Logistics (adventuring’s less popular expression
Soldiers and Logistics, Translate to Adventurers and Adventures. Some GMing fundamentals I keep revisiting because I always find new ways…
Basic Set Challenge; Basic Set NPCs
The GURPS 4E basic set is a formidable book to begin with the Table-top Role-playing Hobby. It may just be…
Basic Set Combat Load (RAW)
Here are some fairly sci-fi Load-Outs. Only the water packs are not found in the basic set, but can be…