Back to Basics – Each Session is a Unique Dialogue
Realizing Each Session as a Unique Dialogue is a new mnemonic/coping mechanism and tool for me. A session is not…
[Reflections] Ads for Skilled Players
Early on I realized that information is a barrier between people. As much as Shared Interests can connect us, differences…
Proto-Stress Rules
Inspiration from work kinda makes me want to introduce a STRESS penalty rule. Basically responsibilities and worries accumulate, these distractions…
Back to Basics: Pacing and Tension, Pacing Tool
Two wonderful videos below on Pacing but I’m here to talk about some ways to apply it immediately. Pacing Grid…
Back to Basics: Organizing your session by Challenges, and a reminder on Pacing
Keeping things simple, my players will notice I will be using these mnemonics: Minor and Significant Challenges. Minor Problems/Challenges was…
Back to Basics: Non-Binary Consequences
Here are tools to use non-binary consequences to further the game. If you’re worried about gamist choices is being encouraged…
Back to Basics: My Game Itinerary
Why it takes me roughly 4 hours to run a game. Part of the Back to Basics because I’ve tried…
How to GM Abstract Combat Part 3 – Initiative, Combat for the Non-Combat GM
Part 2 can be found here. This is Back to Basics. Initiative is a simple matter, it is for the…
Back to Basics – Empathy as the Goal
This is related to my post on the thesis that GMing is very much like Active Listening. Related to my…
How to GM Abstract Combat Part 1 – Think in Opportunities
Playing a game like Airsoft requires me to have some mnemonic tools to help improve and to compensate for the…
What Milsim has Taught me about Describing Combat and GMing
Airsoft and RPGs always keep being a source of contemplation. RPGs and behavior economics give me the words to describe…
More Player Agency. Incentive Points.
I’m a fan of narrative games – house of the blooded is the only I’ve played but I’ve followed +Tobie…
Anygame System – Gamer Guide to Small Wars Manual part 1
Any Game System or GM will benefit from this Free Public Domain Book! It will highlight Tasks any Adventure (aka…
Wounding Rules
I don’t think I need to site any argument against HP systems, and the cognitive (and assumption) disconnect about it.…
Roll20 Optimized Combat Mapping
First you have to Roll20 Best Practices Gif is the Smallest, and has some lost detail. Comparing the same file from…
Reflection of my Gaming Tastes
The way I GM reflects a lot about how I solve or face problems. Which can be good and bad.…
GURPS Templates notes: Write Up instead of Stats
Instead of the just the stats, why not just create a Archetype based on his or her SOP or Modus…
Behind the Scenes: GURPS Modern Fantasy Prep
I think you can click to enlarge. This Layout is from my “ranging” in the most crowded areas in Divisoria.…
Fall of Constantinople Game I once Ran
This was before GURPS Mass Combat 4E and City Stats. One day I hope to write up a meticulously prepare…
Long Running game
I guess TL:DR No more short arc games, just long game and experimenting and trying out new things within that…
Supernatural Tansparency
I’m running a Kitchen Sink Setting and magic and psionics are usually very hard to balance. One thing that makes…
Debt in a Game example
I borrow money to buy a Desktop, a Car, a home. Interestingly, I took on a Debt disadvantage forcing to…
Science in the Role-Playing; is a Good System Relevant?
Role-Playing is Decision Making Sciences for me. Stuff from Intelligence of Emotions, Cognition, Behavioral Economics, and Economics and Demographics (backgrounds…
Epic Administration
What is Epic Administration? I was going through some common tropes and discovered a new perspective when I was analysing how Politicians…