The paradox of Failure and Importance – some prethought strategies
In a TRPG there is a strange paradox where the higher the stakes, I expect a harder and harder roll.…
Distraction in my Alternate Cepheus Engine writing – How to rewrite the Introduction
I got distracted writing my Game Prep. After some thought while I stretched and hygeine I realize I can break…
Schelling Points – Space combat – Same as a real life project at work or a bid, except for the lethality
In COADE or some of these space combat mechanics (Non-Dog-Fight Mechanics) can be simplified as ONE shelling point. The GM…
Taxes and Margins – Ways the GM can simplify his Job
I realize that not everyone enjoys the Books keeping, but the problem with not doing the books is CONSISTENCY that…
Trade off of Older Ships: usable in GURPS, MgT2 and CE.
This Exercises the Sense of Technical DEBT of the GM and the Players. If you want to exercise your Total Cost of…
Comfort in a system. Dice + 2-3 modifiers, or Adj-Stat + 2-3 Modifiers.
last 2019 Xmas I bought a The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition, Dungeon Fantasy Boxed Starter Set, Essentials Kit and the…
Abstract Combat based on Adaptive Cycles
Basically, this is my idea of how abstract combat can work. This focuses a lot on storytelling and working towards…
Techniques – and how it relates to our Internal Worlds.
I compensate a lot using SRS and my obsessiveness of writing my flawed understanding. Going through a thought again and…
Social Actions – Character Options in Social problems in your games part 2 of 2
What is the Social Equivalent of Flanking? Options in Combat engage us by giving us Power over the situation. I…
How I use the 20rffk to evaluate RPG books.
The 20 rules of formulating knowledge violates its own rules. I’m spoiling for anyone who hasn’t read this and removing…
World Building as we Play
There is more World Building Tools and Settings than the market can explore, learn, use, and share. That at this…
Methodology Upgrade: Formula, Definitions, Example, and Anki Deck
I updated the Gaming List document to be more actionable. Basically i now added a methodology section as to state how…
My Biases/Criteria of RPG Review, Looking for Feedback
I’ve been ask to review an RPG and I realized that this Criteria I have is worth publishing for feedback.…
80% Storytelling Techniques, and 20% system mechanics
Its easy to progress in Game mechanics since there are so many to learn, but the Collaborative Storytelling, Preparation, and…
Improvisation hypothesis: Ideation Techniques
from the Gaming Skills Open Doc* So I just finished Unframed by Engine Publishing. Among my other studies (found in…
TRPG Books as Process Documents
*That TRPGs moving to a shorter feedbackloop with the community through using best practices in Operations Sciences would create more…
Game Mastering Research Update; leave it to Gamers to Game Self Improvement.
So I’m preoccupied in updating my Game Mastering Skills and Heuristics Document. I found this so much easier to update…
Updated GMing Techniques; Games Literacy
So I’ve updated my GMing Techniques Document and differentiated it from my TRPG playing skill document. Basically the GMTD is the…
Skills as Barriers to Games
Skill or Mental Models as Brain apps The thing about Load Bearing Gear, Logistics, and any Mental Model is that its…
Definition of Terms. More useful ones.
This is speculation on what kind of gaming material I’d like to make If I had the time. I’ve improved…
Warfare Notes
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! So I’ve been listening to Tyrant Series, I just finished funeral games and I’m now…
Core Mechanics can get complicated.
I almost take for-granted how complicated the basic mechanics can be: Determine relevant Scores or Stats for the roll. This…
World Building is a Skill
It was only recently I realized World building as a Skill. As a skill it has many components with the…
Conditional Success, Significant Actions
Conditional Success is basically replacing failure with an Extreme cost for Success. The Margin of Failure determined how much it…
Character Actions, becoming Character Limits.
I read Atul Gawande’s Checklist Manifesto and it dawned on me how Dungeon World really helped with the Character Options List…
What Augmented Reality means to TRPG players: LARP Tools
With Pokemon GO all the rage its become clear that Augmented Reality Games will be the trend to look forward…
Mental Organization as part of the Game
what one carries with them is a bit of a fascination. I’m pretty cluttered and want to declutter but there…
Hard Mode 60-80 Part 2
Hard Mode 60-80 rule was meant to stress direct agency in a situation. It highlights that some situations we cannot…
Hard Mode: Rule 60-80
The mind doesnt like Uncertainty and playing with this bias can be unique role-playing and system mechanic opportunity I call…