Background Skills for more Realistic Games.
Characters have some cultural background skills that make them who they are. Typically almost every character have the skills: Theology,…
Inspired by Google Wave
Finally got my google wave account. There are only 8 invites, and I’ve already used up 4. planning to give…
Someone Planning to Run a Modern RPG Scenario?
A Warlords Gambit – the Power Vacuum in the Wake of the massacre will change the status quo. Territories are…
They liked it. – Free thinking RPG
They liked it, they appear very excited (I can replay the videos and try to read the body language).Anyway, it…
Freethinking Game is a Go
Update, my game is pushing through as of the confirmations received as of now. Hopefully, the Murphies will be stuff…
+1 Bonus to GMing
My reply in defendse of GURPS Mysteries. This book grants you GMing +1 regardless of the system you run. A…
Awesome Visuals for your Medieval Game
I found this accidentally found these very mood inspiring visuals of a village in Ukraine. Goes great with mood enhancing…
Alesandro Liu’wei’lin, sample character
Another character for the game. Will try to come up with one more tonight. Alesandro here is shrewd businessman and…
Another discussion between IQ in games vs the Real World
Another IQ thread in GURPS. Why can’t success be a measure of IQ? Quite simply, people want to be smarter…
Diego Bautista, sample character
This is a sample character for my mahadlika game for the Saturday the 21st. Giving Ideas for my players and…
Screw the E-reader war, Get a Tablet PC for your Tech Savy GM
Some Useful Update, I’ve been spending a few days researching E-readers and getting their Specs down for work research. While…
Mount&Blade WARBAND: Inspiring my Games
I only began checking back when war band is supposed to be released because I’m supposed to present a game…
Using your School E-Library
I’ve just gotten access to my gradschool library, and downloaded a ton of PDF’s I plan to use to prep…
Some Open Source Tools for Game Material Production
Quick Personal Intro. I come from a multi-media background. I was also a GM who would go crazy with the…
Never for Free: RPGs taken Forgranted
Before I had ideals of making a game and distributing it for free, out of the goodness of my naive…
[GURPS] Hydration in Real World and Games.
We sometimes take the rules for granted when reality stares us in the face. Anyone who’s played a sport is…
Scaling an Encounter: Why you should not.
I could have worded it better. I called scaling an encounter conspiratorial because the GM fudged something to make it…
Crime, Society and the State in the 19C Philippines
Crime, Society, and The State in the nineteenth century PhilippinesThis is a great resource insight and ideas. Reverse engineering the…
[GURPS] Sample Rogue, with basic use guide
Rogues are deviants, in party dynamics they serve as a specialized troubleshooter which takes a unconventional approach to problems. Unlike…
Teaching and GMing: the key is Connection
I am suffering work procrastination, because of the continual negative association with the teacher and the subject matter. I find…
Mail Armor: Using Real World Data in RPG sets a dangerous precedent
Dan Howard has come out with a recent article about the science behind Mail armor, dispelling myth and enlightening us.…
A GURPS blogger
Well, its nice to know that when you check out GURPS in RPG bloggers I am one of the most…
Basic Set Knight Template and a Short adventure
Another Basic Set compatible NPC, although you may want to get your hands on Dan Howard’s article: “Chainmail — Why…
Just Stumbled on Mythic Europe,
I was looking for maps of the Kingdom of Jerusalem for a quickie game I’m planning when I stumbled on…
GURPS Quick Adventure
Another GURPS NPC template. Instant Encounter. A bad harvest has forced several freemen to leave their homes to look for…
The Slavers of the Horde
The Slavers of the Horder are men that profit from the enemies of the empire: the horde that had conqured…
[GURPS] Shields as Cover.
A shield is not just a portable wall that flickers in and out of the character’s way. Shields were intentionally…
[anygame system] How to Make a Modern Combat Map in 10 minutes
I promised long ago to show how to make a tactical combat map very quickly. Use this to make reusable…
Basic Set Soldiers, Logistics (adventuring’s less popular expression
Soldiers and Logistics, Translate to Adventurers and Adventures. Some GMing fundamentals I keep revisiting because I always find new ways…