FAQ: Knight Incomes in GURPS 4e
I made this little thing to sort out what is a knight income. The basic template is household knight/man-at-arms. Whats…
Low Tech Households
Here is the google docs of the list of Household Revenues and Expenses. I’ve just listed all the items so…
[GURPS High Tech] Resource: PTR products
Precision Target Rifles – A gun-manfucaturer that had a revamp. The happen to have my prefered airsoft gun: the G3.…
Gritty Finances in Traveller Part 1: Starting Out
I’ve resolved to try to create a template of process of character creation for traveller where he uses real world…
[Gurps Traveller] Why Old Relics?
Learning from our business finances and how the market works, there is still much to be said about the earning…
Learning, Broken Down
I stumbled on this as I was doing my soldier research, in order for me to do an accounting of…
GURPS traveller ship buildiing program
it was very hard to find this strangely. It seems that its was not connected to the regular gurps website.…
GURPS 4E Low Tech ships by Icelander
Great Material worth saving from the GURPS forums. I’ve started storing useful stuff in PDF form via Print Option in…
Skills part of Modern Day Tactics
Below is the outline of what composes the theoretical knowledge of Tactics. Tactics translates to organization, but more importantly dynamic…
Accounting in my RPGs; A Traveller Businessplan; Researching on Soldiers
The only RPG that has Accounting in their game play is HARN, harn manor. Traveller can have accounting in its…
Been Busy. Using Game Material for Learning Important Skills
My excuse is pretty valid. My baby boy was born and I don’t have internet access outside work (and I’m…
Gunsmiths as a Retainer?
pro for the gunsmith Guaranteed business for the gunsmith. His time is easier to manage. Since the guns being taken…
[Damage Theory] Arrow Penetration Discussion
Steve Jackson Games Forums – View Single Post – Arrow penetration The use of the book Williams The Knight and…
Damage Theory Tables, as Promised; Open Game Design Notes
Earlier when i started blogging again, i promised that I will be looking at damage more closely. I’m interested in…
What to write about, since LT is out
Plans for Game Writing. Low Tech being out and probing the forums as to any future releases regarding any material…
Free Download @ e23: Running A Game Publishing Company
e23: Running A Game Publishing Company I have not finished reading it, but I’m kinda hoping to doing something similar,…
Fixed my M4, and it seems to work well.
I don’t have a chrono. Although it hurts, which is a good sign compared to when I fixed it last…
IQ or Wits Check; Fallacies and Cognitive Biases
What are instances where PCs make an IQ check? Asking that question, I’ve come to observe how often people make…
Nickel-metal hydride battery – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nickel-metal hydride battery – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: “Self-discharge NiMH cells historically had a somewhat higher self-discharge rate (equivalent to…
GURPS Effort Levels. Real World Character Building?
There is really no aggregate system for Effort Levels in GURPS, if you want one, you would have to take…
Guns and Grills
Its hard to get the wife and the kids interested in airsoft. Although, One idea that comes to mind is…
Low Tech Companion 3: Other Food Crops and Other Possibilities
In the lecture Origins of Civilization by Professor Scott MacEachern I learned that civilizations depended greatly in the time it…
How fatiguing are Skirmishes? Non-Grid-Mini Skirmishes aided by Mass Combat
I play airsoft and I’m very much aware of how far I am from what is considered “fit for military…
CYMA CM.028 reviewed by Midwest Airsofters and my upgrade
Midwest Airsofters – The CYMA CM.028 AK-47 Examined My Upgrading of it had a lot of problems. Nothing, throwing money…
Got my Jing Gong HK416 (M4)
Pros: Good Quality Internals Inspection Metal bushings (Li-Poly Ready; The Later Models 2008-ish) Cons: The Butt Broke, anyway I hate…
Swapping my MP44 for an HK416
Both guns are all metal and I rather like the Carbine over my MP44 which I have YET to use.…
Women in RPGs, my 2 bits
Attempting to take the empiricist point of view, I think that one has to break down the components and accurately…
Team Reputations
Teams Encountered and have a really bad reputation of cheating. I should put a 2 Polls up for known teams…
Some more Useful Biometrics, GURPS Increased Consumption Disadvantage
Looking at these numbers I think of GURPS increased consumption disadvantage at B136. since GURPs 3 meals defaults at the…
Purpose of Realism in Games?
I think the purpose of realism depends heavily in what the game is trying to achieve, either a Puzzle or…