NON-GRAVITIC MGT2E Ships – Core book ships.
Downgrading the Hull to gravitic, the M-DRIVES to R-DRIVES of the same thrust, The power plant to TL8, Precalculating the…
This is the onedrive link to the 3D printing files mneme ships. Charles and Xtian’s Internship ended, the College of…
Mneme Jump Drive Technology and Reflections
Mneme jump drives and, of course, our rocketry mechanics are there to help adapt Cepheus Engine and Traveller to remove…
FDM test prints our out, and for update
Xtian Tormes finished some prototypes of the FDM models of the ships. FDM is the most common 3D printer found…
Update on the 3D Printable Files of the Ships and MGT2e LIFEPOD is 1.5DT
Update on the CE Mneme RAIDER – Open source Creative Common Ships anyone can use and share without worrying about…
Change of Direction – Progress and Updates
1000 frames out of around 2200 frames so far, left to render without an optimized RTX 3070 NVDIA didn’t install…
Blood Magic – and Modern Medicine
Blood Magic is the ability to reshape chemical signals and control micro organisms. Blood magic gave the ability to taste,…