MNEME SPACE COMBAT, a good start to a marathon and time to study.
Have had some Rest. Had my Executive Checkup – ok for my age. Had my wisdom tooth removed partial success,…
Mneme Space Combat is Published: What’s Next?
So it seems that DriveThruRPG allowed Mneme Space Combat to autopublish. What happens next? Monthly Plugging (Spamming) the FB groups…
Submitting Mneme Space Combat for Approval
The ships blender files totaled up to 10GB. So I had to upload a Doc file with a Link…
Discovering Unfinished Works: 2-Parsec
I got so busy with Mneme Space Combat I haven’t checked my DriveThruRPG and saw 2-Parsecs book entry. It’s available…
Home stretch – Mneme Space Combat Rules
https://youtu.be/9836WBRQKXE Finished the Video. Flawed but given the time constraints and having done 4+ attempts this is the best I can…
Preview and Update: October 11 2023
Update: Had a major Re-write. Ranges are tricky and rewriting it is hard when it’s a system and everything affects…
Hardware – Just Access to Hardware is a big deal
IT is about Hardware – because of my moderate-income (130k PHP /mo but to USA that’s 30k a year, note…