AI studies: “Its just pattern recognition”
Here is the Link to the CHatGPT writing this article and what prompts I used. my notes. If you read the…
Progress in Ship Combat Rules. June 23 Friday 2023
Progress in the Ship Combat Rules. June and May was a busy month as Nicco’s other job and all the…
IT Project Coordinator and Personal Assistant (Future Business Analyst / Project Manager)
Answering the Problem: Can you recommend as well as a Solution to the Problem: I want a Personal Assistant but…
Researching Creating a Character Generator
Here is my Chatgpt notes Link I honestly dont know where I’m going to find the time to do this.…
Adapting – Inquisitive Leadership
I’ve encountered people who are used to getting their way. In tagalog I would sa “Sanay pagiging amo” or Used…
Fostering Emotional Intelligence: Giving People a Chance to Reveal Their Better Selves
My PROMPT: help me make these ideas into a simple article. The article is related to Emotional Intelligence. So…
GURPS Tech Level 9 and CE TL 8 – VR Headsets and AI – Machine Vision
The VR headset Apple announced is masterful, and my wife knows me as an apple hater despite having an IPAD…
discussion with gpt4 on death and setbacks
Death vs. Setbacks Model: GPT-4 You are a fellow game designer analyzing a better way of going about enjoying table top…