Preview of On Going work – Maintenance Summary
I dont know if anyone feels terrible when they didn’t see a Rule that was about, lets say, about Maintenance…
If I want the hobby to survive past me – making systems easier to learn
I’m currently working on another book for DTRPG drawing from my Homebrewing. simplifying maintenance, repairs, and damage. Making one wholistic…
Slowly learning – Simple Rockets and how it relates to Traveller
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_velocity Q: If the earth requires 11KMs Escape velocity, when I achieve it at 11.1KMs 𝚫V does that mean I…
Rockets and pushing my limits
All the tools that go to delta-v to be easier goes to designer notes. Sure write the simple parts down…
Efficiency Reflections on Emphasis and reality
Rotating detonating engine and Small Modular nuclear reactors remind me of nuance approaches to the technology. That we don’t…
Less Rolls, Uncertainty for the GM, and more focus on Reading the Players.
if the GM is fast and loose about the success of the players action to action, how can they create…
Being that Annoying Pedantic Guy – Role Playing Operations
I dont know how many people need things to be in a System – where relationships and key terms are…
Its Great, not perfect, but that doesnt stop it from being Great
When I tweak a system typically I do the following: 1) lessen the steps – I map out the…
To write Game Material that makes it easier to have Fun
When I wrote my tools in conducting Narrative Combat, Adrian (My editor) taught me to put under Designers notes. One…
Seeing Terrible things inspiring my Games
i did this analysis before in my other Job when I worked with BPOs. I’m doing the profitability analysis of…
Today I Learned: Stars and Wishes.
8/22/2018 Stars and Wishes Today I learned about Stars and Wishes technique used to get feedback about the game so…
3rd world biz deals, ship operations
One of the things people don’t really explain about Philippine construction is that gov’t tends to expect that after time…
Baseline Performance – the Apollo and Space Shuttle Programs.
The Saturn-V is a great sample rocket. Its performance and Stats are readily available and its a great baseline since…