Space Elevators – how they would come about
Basics First comes the Economic Incentives, the space industry with 100x the investment we currently have in it – because…
Hard Scifi Heroes: Technical Challenges and Overcoming Hazards
I can feel Chris Hadfields frustration that the public doesn’t appreciate “Heroic Problem Solvers”. That violence is the only narrative…
TL9.0 to TL9.2 Modularization Manufacturing
Taylorism and Scientific Manufacturing is in TL5 While FORD and his improvements in the Assembly Line is in TL6 Quality…
My open GDOC notes on Blender -Notes of my work with Nicco for our TRPG writing
200504 GITB Blender Basics These are the notes and tutorials we use as our team is making Game Material. This…
Hard Scifi – Social Classes from a 3rd Worlder
One of the 3rd World aspects of Character creation is the role of Status. Developing Countries – Generational change of…
What would make Players Interested in a Near Future Setting 2050-2070?
When I wrote Mneme Variant Combat Rules in Cepheus Engine, I was using an Adaptive approach to name design. I wanted…
Deming Cycle – Game Mechanics
Is it so weird that I use the Deming cycle in The Mneme Variant Combat rules for Cepheus Engine I…
Universal Sandbox Usage Terms are pretty easy to follow
http://universesandbox.com/usage/ If others are considering using Universe Sandbox to detail their Worldbuilding (game material). Hope to make hard SciFi more…
Learning a Lot from Sci-Fi TRPGS: so many ways to die
stuff I didn’t know but learned as I got into Hard Scifi TRPGs 1) humans need 1 atmosphere of pressure,…
Knock-off Smarts
Part of my Designers Notes The Key concepts discussed are intended to allow the Referee or the Player: See patterns…
Sleep-pod and Freshers – Solving the Orientation Problem
Sleep pods and Freshers can be pretty much the same thing. 1) redundant life support – cabin fails the sleep…
Vertical Orientation and Delta-V based thinking – Why Not?
In Universe Sandbox I can imagine running a game: 1) 2070 -2080 0.7-1.8 E+13 Kg (Gigaton) Asteroid is being evaluated…
Universe Sandbox Gifs and Playing around.
Game Running Logistics: So Universe Sandbox Records Gifs with its built-in video recorder. I have simple rockets and still trying…
Added 6 Career Cards and some minor improvements for Cepheus Engine Character Gen
Updated and Added more Free Stuff to Mneme Variant Combat RulesNicco and I Added the Career Cards. These are a…