Open Gaming – part time is Awesome
Hypothesis: rejection and preference are about opportunities. If the opportunity is monopolized then its rejection. So someone with the right…
Basic Spacer Modification in 2500
Basic spacer cybernetics and modification. 1) inner ear modification – for spin grav and free fall orientation, as well as…
Lessons Learned – Distracted.
What makes it harder in practice vs theory is that: 1) importing the Pictures BLURS everything so I have a…
Theory and Practice – the dilemma on Guides
I hate it how its so Theoretical – having to write a guide – but in my experience PLAYING is…
Dilemma of Theory vs Practice
The dilemma of any Combat or Game System: 1) THEORY is a very small part of Combat Systems. Practice and…
Got back to Roll20, this is my Review.
Since 2015, what has changed is that I’ve had more Work Experience in IT, Project Management, and Quality Management. This…
Updated Scifi Assumptions
1) hard sci-fi combat and problems are typically thinking outside the parameters “box” because someone’s already thought of it and…
Earthsea Influence – hopefully make a Magic System
I can’t wait/impatient to work on a magic system after listening to so much Earthsea. I’m imagining a simple one…
Load Outs Rabbit Hole. How games taught me to be good at lists.
I’ve made a couple of spreadsheets to automate load outs, as well as long series of load-outs, as well as…
Emotional Intelligence – Sadness and Change
Sadness and disappointment trigger personal change is quite interesting in that it’s like breaking a system with a Local maximum…