Learning Children of a Dead Earth Orbital Mechanics and Phasing.
Children of a Dead Earth was about 1usd because of the steam Summer sale. So I got it. Unlike Kerbal,…
Quick Combat Update June 24 2020
This is system I just want to make because I want to apply the concepts I like from various systems…
Cost of the Liberty Ship, Victory Ship, and the Type C2 Ship.
I’m using this as a Baseline for my KiloTon TL9 ships. https://tinyurl.com/y8c5uala to the Page. The Book is free, I…
Getting Back to my April 2020 Project – Quick Combat
I got back to my April Project of Quick Combat System (gdoc link) Inspired by The Fantasy Trip, meshed with D&D.…
Writing Skills Down more Thoughtfully
I dont know how to describe when I describe skills in this way: Example: 1) select a people or cultural…
Walled Garden of Apple – the Vilani Nobility’s Tech Monopoly and Cartels
In Gurps Traveller Interstellar Wars (2200 to 2300s; 2100-2299 ) the Vilani being an Imperial Monopoly and Cartel going crazy…
What would be a different Ship Design System for Cepheus Engine?
So in a Metric based and Delta-V Budget Cepheus Engine Ship Gen with a Spreadsheet You can imagine it as…
Career Design Notes for Alternative Cepheus Engine
200607 Scout Creation 200611 Drifter Creation 200611 Soldier Creation It must be remembered in Homebrewing there is: No wrong answers. …
Progress with Scout
What makes the First Career Draft difficult is all the Character Creation Mechanics that needs to be organized. I’m used…
Change of Paradigm – Advantages of Harder Scifi Aesthetic
World Building. That the Ship is NOT some shark or enclosed space means it can be modular. As it is…
Anki – Brute Force Learning
Brute force is charging in without a Plan. A plan being taking 4-6 hours to arrange things and work out…
Alternate Jump Constraint, Near Space
Its a minor thing but because I made Fuel Tanks reaction mass for Intra-stellar travel. what allows multi-jumps? What is…
A shuttle sketch
Used GURPS vehicles and ISW to sketch out the ideas. This is something I wanted to know when I decided…
The paradox of Failure and Importance – some prethought strategies
In a TRPG there is a strange paradox where the higher the stakes, I expect a harder and harder roll.…