Dungeon Fantasy Box Set Challenges.
My Dungeon Fantasy Box Set Arrived. I bought D&D starter set and essentials for my son and myself. I have…
Aging Tinkering Gamer and Skills
Skill is a concept that keeps changing year to year in my life. Although we are being introduced to skills…
Not yet Mastered the HSK 4 Words.
I thought I mastered HSK4 (1200 words) months ago. But when I downloaded the 2012 HSK http://www.chinesetest.cn/index.do from the official…
The temptation to Exagerate: Why I’m waiting for feedback with great tension.
i’m in a problematic system: 1 have a cost benefit analysis – the unnecessary over time because we have no…
Hanging out and Catching up with Gaming Buddies
I was on study leave but I did the quick analysis of the likeliness I’ll be able to see old…
GMing Prepares me to Have no Power, and just Hacking my Perspective
the supplier project team made some critical mistake and we have sufficient documentation to prove it as well as a…
Techniques – and how it relates to our Internal Worlds.
I compensate a lot using SRS and my obsessiveness of writing my flawed understanding. Going through a thought again and…
No more Pleco. Anki moving forward.
My strategy for this Study Leave was to migrate from PLECO to ANKI. I theorized that Migrating from Pleco to…
Todays Progress. Cleaning up HSK1-4.
I only got a few hours to study and work. Cleaned up HSK 1-4 definitions. It was difficult because it…
Todays Progress – Migrating from Pleco to Anki
Tomorrow, 191210, I will be using ANKI as my daily driver. Problem: Cannot Uninstall Anki 2.0 – I forgot how…
Results of my First Day of Leave and Studies.
Reddit Thread I’ve started migrating from Pleco to Anki because there are key features that are easier in Anki than…
Concepts I re-learned reviewing the Starter and Essentials Set.
Concepts I re-remembered reviewing the Material. 3d6 Bell Curve. Rarer Extremes, more frequent near the Median. The biggest change is…
Mindfulness and Work
I’m in lecture 5 of 24 Lectures of the Science of Mindfulness. I’ve been listening to so many work-related studies…
D&D Starter and Essentials, a lot more work for my Target audience.
Bought the D&D Starter Edition and the Essentials Toolkit. My son is too young at 8, Turning 9 early next…