Initial Cost and Running Cost of Skills in Life
So I’ve been keeping a notebook of my TRPG mental ramblings. One of the Key thing I’ve gotten into is…
Ideas/musings: Applying Life Lessons in TRPG Design. 10 years of blogging Game in the Brain.
My Work Fuels my TRPG musings, TRPG musings inspire my work. I know break things down to 5-10mh (manhours), then…
Last nights Dream – Work and Uncertainty
So last night I had a dream that work was hard. The strongest emotion of the dream was Uncertainty and…
Hard Fun. Taking on a lot of Work to find that Work enjoyable.
Edit: On further reflection I decided to change the summary or title to Hard Fun. Hard fun as meant to…
Practice and Knowledge Chunking – It is juggling scarce mental resources
So imagine what kind of practice do you want your brain to have an automatic response to. How complicated and…
Sick Today – so I get to blog. Maxims, Imagination and Role-playing
Having a slight fever and cough so I took a sick day. So i’m learning a lot and writing a…