Sins of the Crusade Time Line Leading up to 1092
The detail and how often the pieces fit from the various Wikipedia entries are awesome. This is for my players…
Back to Basics: Pacing – Dice Agency and Framing the Narrative
As a GM or Player, what do you think of the activity of Framing the Narrative? Is Framing the Narrative…
[Reflections] Ads for Skilled Players
Early on I realized that information is a barrier between people. As much as Shared Interests can connect us, differences…
Proto-Stress Rules
Inspiration from work kinda makes me want to introduce a STRESS penalty rule. Basically responsibilities and worries accumulate, these distractions…
Solar Power Learnings, It is only works under specific conditions.
Our plant just ordered 100KWh of solar panels. We will be “energized” within the next 90 days. Its often touted…
Back to Basics: Pacing and Tension, Pacing Tool
Two wonderful videos below on Pacing but I’m here to talk about some ways to apply it immediately. Pacing Grid…
Back to Basics: Organizing your session by Challenges, and a reminder on Pacing
Keeping things simple, my players will notice I will be using these mnemonics: Minor and Significant Challenges. Minor Problems/Challenges was…
GURPS Houserules: No more double pay, Households, Relationships
Houserules I had to make to organize my game better and keep with the setting and immersion. No Double Pay…
Back to Basics: Non-Binary Consequences
Here are tools to use non-binary consequences to further the game. If you’re worried about gamist choices is being encouraged…