Sins of the Crusade Season 02 Episode 05 – Byzantine Allies
Note: Listening again to the game, I was really out of it. Thank you goes out for my players patience…
What Milsim has Taught me about Describing Combat and GMing
Airsoft and RPGs always keep being a source of contemplation. RPGs and behavior economics give me the words to describe…
Jan 18 2015 – retreat and Circle strategy, Observations
Most of my main mistakes is my better knowledge running into a limited set of options: which was that I…
Insurgency Jan 17, 2015
the Insurgency Game today had a lot of lessons. Most memorable lesson is that CTO takes the guard, regardless of…
GMing Back to Basics: Gming with very Basic Mnemonics – Active Listening GMing
The most basic mnemonic of GMing is being a good listener. Effective and Scientific Communication Skills are easy to take for…
Running GURPS like Fate, and a conundrum
So I’ve been running GURPS like Fate… this would tear the hair out of any GURPS GM. But then I…
Jan 11 2015 Game KM14
Jan 11, 2015 CTO vs 4 opfors, including myself. First time to use my WE AK74NU. A GBBR ak carbine…
Gravity in everything the PCs do. Some mnemonic tools for your consideration
Things in a game goes along faster when we deal with what is important. We do this in summaries and…
Sins of the Crusade: Episode 4, Season 2 – Byzantine Enemies
Thanks to +Willy So , +Milan Runic , +Il Pella , +Thunder Clonch , +Dan Mungham , and +Mike Dulay for joining the game. When the lion cannot fight his own…