October 26 Game Reflections
Lesson from I should do more of the basic Gun Familiarity Drills before the others arrive. I will have the…
Sins of the Crusade Season 2, Episode 2: Desperate Enemies
Thanks for +Mike Dulay , +Il Pella , +Alais Legrand , and +Thunder Clonch. +Wilton Heath was unable to join but gave a heads up early. I…
Pistol Day with GMan.
Basically hung out with Gman to shoot in his back yard. I live in a condo so I dont have…
Sins of the Crusade Episode 01, Season 02
Thanks to+Il Pella, +Wilton Heath, +Mike Dulay, +Thunder Clonch, +Matthew Cruz, and +Alais Legrand The week the party sworn themselves to Bohemmon, it feels a…
DIY Sports Camera Mod for the NOTE 2
Is that a Note 2 on your head or your just happy to see me? Cons: Heavier than a Sports…
Cylcing of Attention, Reflection between fractions of a Second.
Short Bursts vs Long bursts is more about how much “attention” and “tunneling” we allow ourselves in a situation. My…
Jaded with Journalism
Strangely the people who argue against the 40:60 doesnt seem to work in BPO area or Law (so far in…
Nylon Webbing, Fabric, and Polyester
After working with my mom on my weight vest and researching on nylon fabric its like all the vests I…
Aggressive Rhythm, Concentrated Aim, and Fatigue Rhythm Disruption
Aggressive Rhythm is what I am calling the conditioning to Attack when: the defender takes the action to defend, an…
The Two Me’s, Lessons, Weighted Vests
Last game was an unusual experience, because I was hitting at reacting from lessons from the other game while not…
Gaming and Visualization
There is a study about Visualization and Learning [1] and Mindfulness Meditation [2] that seems to a pretty good mental tool for…