“Self Reliance” is a personal philosophy and a game theme
“Albert Einstein – “Never memorize something that you can look up.” Socrates on Writing – “[It] destroys memory [and] weakens…
IMTU: Mind-Emulator + Drone Fighters
I just stumbled on something I am wondering if anyone else figured out: with Mind Emulation, Pilots can basically be…
IMTU exo-skeletons, bonus Freight Handling AI
I’ve been trying to reverse engineer powered armor calculations in UT but I’m not that good in math or physics/engineering…
IMTU augmentation is signature gear
I’ve ruled that cybernetics a dependent bio tech mods are signature Gear and min maxed it to see how far…
IMTU Warheads and Effectiveness
This is a post to patch up some rules regarding warheads and special effects. see Common Fighters of the Third…
IMTU – Simplifying Starting Ships; Profitability Updated
Simple Rule – you start out with all the necessary equipment and consumables as long as they don’t add up…
My 10 year old RPG thesis
+Alexander Osias in Armchair Gamer happens to have on of the few surviving copies of RPG thesis. Looking back it was…
IMTU Tight Budget Ship Operations
This is basically the Standard Operating Proceedure for many ships businesses to maximize costs and minimize expenses. Note that the…
IMTU Some Battledress, for Urban Warfare
I have this one, a mobile armor superiority one (non-humanoid), and a robot tank (non-humanoid). Ill stretch it out as…
IMTU Organic Bias
In GURPS the cost of an AI that can do a better job than a human is very very low.…
Hard Worlder Robot 800F
Designed to be used to explore or work in planets like Venus (800F) and thick atmosphere (Scanning Sense Imaging Radar).…
Sci-Fi Subsidized economy
I don’t like subsidizing out a game theory reasons, but its one of the most powerful means to influence the…
Unloading a Headache – My Software AI Notes from UT
This is the notes I’ve compiled. Basically I found it a head ache to reference Transhuman Space, Transhuman Space: Changing…
What will you pay for?
I pay for most of my game material not because I need it, but because of the effort, creativity, care,…
Fuzion RPG System Review
Fuzion RPG Super Cheap Oldie and Goodie. $3 USD for a system. If you are curious check out the free…
Writing update traveller instant crew
Wow 9 write ups for an instant crew complete with load outs and optimized. As a munchkin in gurps skill…
Transhumanism in My Traveller makes things more Contraversial
Some transhumanism concepts I’m mulling over for IMTU. The thing about these concepts is that they are in the background…
On GM Hiatus, but still want to talk about games
Currently I’m on GM Hiatus because of work, studies, vacation plans and my airsoft team for this month of July.…
CRUNCH compression
Now that there is evidence in the form of on air video of how I GM I’m pretty RP heavy…
I’m all for GM criticism
I’m actually happy that a Player gave me his constructive criticism lately. In my previous GM days, years and years…