Cost of Electricity
Cost of Electricity. Electricity Should be pretty straight forward: there is a cost of Php12 per Kilowatt Hour of usage,…
[GURPS Mass Combat] Ancient Armies Part 1
This is a Part 1, I’ll follow up later on. I’ve been sitting on this for about 3 weeks now.…
GURPS SKill: Professional Skill
The Professional Skill. When I was in school I had a very difficult time getting what made up a professional…
[GURPS] Hazards of Lower Status (or being too Cheap)
In case you’ve ever wondered if it is worthwhile to save some extra cash and live below a certain status.…
What does 10x more salary mean?
Ok again I’m apply my anecdotal observations regarding performance and what it means in the bigger scheme of things. What has recently siezed…
GURPS Mass Combat Spreadsheet V0.5
Ok, I just tried making a GURPS mass combat spreadsheet. Currently it can only add up all the costs, factoring…
Virtual Gaming Personal Assistant Update part 4
Here is an update, I’ve found some sample VPA online, www.odesk.com allows you to find a contractor that fits your needs.…
Incentive for MURDER, XP
I can understand how, back in the day, they didn’t have a way to accumulate XP except with “killing” and…
[Traveller, Sci-Fi] Starmap of what is actually known
I just found: REALISTIC ASTROGRAPHY (version 2.0) for Traveller and other scifi RPGs Lifted from the Site. SECTION 0: INTRODUCTIONThe aim of…
WORK = XP + $ + Non-Monetary Gains part 1
Economics is a wonderful tool, micro-economics is a subtool perfect for this particular problem: Player/Character Compensation/Rewards/Awards. Caveat. Everything is setting specific,…
Organic Game, Thoughts about Gaming Styles
What I call organic games are those where there is no script, but everyone has their own motivations and goals,…