GURPS High Tech G3 vs M14
In GURPS high tech, the m14 is JUST as good as the FN fall and better than the G3 at…
Advice on Purchasing Mags; Lipoly Batteries
I got new a AK Mag. It seems that I should put a date on the Mags because over time…
Boring Skills and what they are Good for; Player Skills
From the perspective of adventurers, livelihood skills are boring. Administration, Organization, Diplomacy and Management have a back seat to subsistence…
Realistic Encounters Duration
its been staring me right at the face the whole time. Human endurance works in a range band because it…
GURPS Talents, Multiple Intelligence, and Geekdom
lately my readings about Emotional Intelligence got me thinking more about the Multiple Intelligence Theory (note the difference between Theory…
Busy with Warsims (airsoft)
Airsoft can be seen as Larping with Guns, of course few airsofters would like to admit that or look at…
Upgrades Breakdown
Costs are in Philippine pesos, currently exchange averages Php45 to $1 DF metal Bushing P400 Shims (G and P) P100…
Getting a friend into the Hobby; my budget broke
Buyers Regret. If you value your friendship then the first thing you want prevent is your friend having buyers regret/remorse…
China and Technology; Gaming Assumptions
When ever there is talk about technology in ancient times, it seems there is always some misplaced reverence to china.…
Kitchen sink setting
How do you calibrate a Kitchen Sink setting? I would begin with a survey of players, and how challenging they…
Gaming, the Future of Education
It is easier and easier to cheat understanding with all the access of the internet. In one of the forums…
Airsoft Season is back in the Phils; Economic perspective substitutes for Common Courtesy in GMing
The elections gun ban is over and now its time to get back to some warsims. Experimentation and Scientific Investigation…
Rifts for $0.24 at Amazon and Kitchen Sink Setting
Rifts is at $0.24 and about 70 copies being sold. Its possible to basically just use the Core Book of…
If there was only Harn in the Philippines
Having seen the quality of Harn up close, I am sad to wonder why it never came to the Philippines.…
Living with One Self: Introspection and Education from RPGs
I’ve bought myself some introduction to Criminology as part of my Emotional Intelligence studies and I find it interesting how…
1st to Sell RPGs China?
What RPG group will be the first to penetrate the China Market? I’m not saying small bits, but really a…
Copyright and Game Systems
Copyright and Game Systems Copyright is tricky because, it can lead to stiffling of innovation instead of rewarding it. Paladium…