Answering some Puzzles: Empires and Economics
I was stuck at how does an empire of millions stretching thousands of miles get its funding. One of the…
My Osric Character: Dwarven Fighter Thief
Rolled using http://www.pbegames.com/roller/ sending my GM the results simultaneously as I get them. As a one shot, a lot of…
Game Design: an Expression of Understanding
I always try to express what I have just learned in my own words or game systems. Its a learning…
Physics of Fighting
I’m doing some exercises right now both physical and in math. Just testing out my understanding of physics and comparing…
Comparing History and Games in contexts of Civilization
After finishing a book on Ancient Empires before Alexander the Great and short nostalgia of Civilization I’m recounting my lessons.…
Reimagining the Shortsword
I got a problem trying to imagine a shortsword. Warswords, as we know them, evolved from shortswords. This is an…
Civilization 5 as your Mapmaker
I’ve missed Civilization for a while. It sucks too much time. Seeing the new Civilization 5, I found my new…
Coordination Game and Battle of the Sexes.
I’d like to talk about game theory and how it relates to RPGs. The coordination game is very simple. You…
Games Saving The World
This TED video sums up also my ideals and how I design games.
What is the Bronze Age?
I got confused when I learned Alexander was using Iron weapons. I thought the glory days of Hellenism was the…
Framing in Games
In psychology of video games, Jaime related how framing works out in WoW and in business. I discussed Framing in…
Test run for Random Lord Generator
Experimenting with Random Lord Generator. I used this dice roller to generate a list of d6 rolls. Following the step…
Female Warriors
One of the better threads, particularly since it is very constructive to me. Taking to account, biology and how it…
Random Lord Generator and Empires before Alexander
The Random Lord Generator is meant to allow for the quick, simple, and detached creation of NPC lords as allies,…
Mass Combat Low Tech Templates
Made a bunch of GURPS 4e Mass Combat Low Tech templates. They feature the basic Ally cost and some lenses.…
Pacifism: Cannot Harm Innocents
The Pacifism: Cannot Harm innocents Disadvantage is common through out all cultures. Innocents and Humanity is diffused by the lense…
How GMing was my Management Training, Old lessons
The reason i can emphasize so well with bad management was because there was a time I was a really…
Sacred Oaths
The humble Serf, as well as Husbands and Wives, to entrepreneurial Peasant and Yeomen, to loyal Retainers and Vassals, the…
War Campaign musing
I’ve joined Arm Chair Generals forums to work through some of my campaign problems. One of them, I’m stuck on…
Wold Building Research Mind Dump
I broke my own home brew rules. I’ve gone back to the basics and tried again. This time a little…
Levant aka Modern Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and Syria.
Checking the wiki about each country and using google maps I found out that Israel and Palestine: 22,000 sq km…
GURPS Mass Combat – Fief Manpower tables
Manpower is produced by a warlord’s fief or province. They don’t have a cost to raise because these are duties…
GURPS Mass Combat Cards
GURPS Mass Combat is a tool so that you can run a fun and exciting War Campaign. I’ve trying to…
[Strategikon] War Band of Adventurers
Strategos (Military Rank 8; Status 4) The General of the Army. Strategos mentioned are Belisarius, and Narses. Hypo Strategos (Military…
Strategikon: Teasing out and its Details
The winds have died for my Crusader Era write ups. I’ll wait till the winds blow back at them again.…
Management and Role-playing II; Problems with Pure Evil Races
Continuing The use of the Art Critical Thinking in RPGs. 1. Making High-Stakes Decisions – This is the introduction to…