On Fortifications – DE MUNITIONIBUS CASTRORUM part 1
17-01-12 On Fortifications 1. Nunc papilonum tensionem cohortium supra scriptarum ostendimus. Papilio unus occupat pedes X, accipit incrementum tensurae pedes…
Continuing Free Low-Tech Service Delivery
Hello to those who still manage to find this blog. Sorry but I will not able to update this regularly.…
Poll and Byzantine History Podcast
I hope visitors would answer the poll. The eras aren’t specifically tied to their emperors or leaders. There are many…
Sins of the Crusade Genealogy
This is the Sins of the Crusade Genealogy. Looking at the Game of Thrones Genealogies I think I have a…
Medieval Army Sizes Reflection
A player once proposed I use the most optimistic force numbers found in historical sources. This is a pretty big…
The Sack of Constantinople 1204AD post Mortem
the Sack of Constantinople at 1204ad can be considered the end of the centralized and perpetuating bureaucratic organism that remained…
e23: GURPS Crusades
e23: GURPS Crusades: “The Crusades lasted nearly two centuries, and their effects are felt to this day. These wars were…
GURPS Low-Tech in my games
e23: GURPS Low-Tech Its been a while and finally its arived. I’m a month late to hear the news but…
Working on Game Tools
Harn has a manor generation system. Along with my own Historical Sources, I think I can make my own suitable…
Levant aka Modern Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and Syria.
Checking the wiki about each country and using google maps I found out that Israel and Palestine: 22,000 sq km…
[Strategikon] War Band of Adventurers
Strategos (Military Rank 8; Status 4) The General of the Army. Strategos mentioned are Belisarius, and Narses. Hypo Strategos (Military…
Strategikon: Teasing out and its Details
The winds have died for my Crusader Era write ups. I’ll wait till the winds blow back at them again.…
House Baldwin Territories
House Baldwin. There is a lot of area that makes up the relatively small but significant Kingdom of Jerusalem. In…
A better map of 12C Crusader Palestine
The title is a link to a better resource for the Kingdom of Jerusalem 15C. 4950 Villages30 towns6 Cities1 Capital…
Kingdom of Jerusalem List
Basically using the guidelines and exel sheet of Medieval Demographics Made easy I’ll work with these settlements. Basically for simplicity…
House Baldwin: The Kingdom of Jerusalem
I’ve been reading up on the kingdom of Jerusalem. In the Sins of the Crusades, the altered history made for…
The Slavers of the Horde
The Slavers of the Horder are men that profit from the enemies of the empire: the horde that had conqured…
Strange Bandits: NPCs part 1: Antagonists
antagonist behind the scenes: Baron Janos of Var-Jaqai, son of Corvin III Description: Baron Janos is always seen with his…
Encounter: Strange Bandits
Strange Bandits are raiding the area.Background– The life of a soldier is a hard one, and one of the natural…
More Courtier Templates
The adventuring troupe is not complete with the non-combatant arm of an adventuring party. Before I prepare a sample adventure…
My Template for Knights
The Warrior Class. The Knight is a term for the mounted warrior social class. In many ancient and medieval cultures,…
The Imperial Line
Constantine XIII, won the throne almost 10 years ago. Alliances always shift, this is current one in 366th year of…
Project Outline
Game Setting. (2 hours) House Komena: Resources, Families, Family Tree, Vassals, Resources, Army, and Territories. (2 hours) House Osman: (same)…
Its about time
Well i have time now. Anyway, I’m working on a 11C Crusades Dark Fantasy Campaign Setting, that I plan to…
Equipment Lists
This is filler until the real Low Tech comes around. It is mostly based on the discussion on the forums.…
Some Basic Equipment
Squadron or Deckarchy Equipment. (p. 138) 1st. Footman:1) Thick Tunic which extends down over the knees.2) Heavy Hiking Sandals. Note:…
Finally Got my copy of the strategikon. I’m painting some Byzantine Figs (5century) and organizing a targetnumber based set of…
The myriad peoples of the Byzantine Game.
The Peoples a Player can choose for a character are as follows: Byzantine Greek Macedonian Ilyrian Armenian Latin Nomad Hun…
Right now I’m very busy and I don’t think I will be free to update until august.