The mental aim point
I’ve been using iron sights lately in insurgency to get used to aiming with my ak74u. This guys comment on…
Jan 18 2015 – retreat and Circle strategy, Observations
Most of my main mistakes is my better knowledge running into a limited set of options: which was that I…
Insurgency Jan 17, 2015
the Insurgency Game today had a lot of lessons. Most memorable lesson is that CTO takes the guard, regardless of…
Jan 11 2015 Game KM14
Jan 11, 2015 CTO vs 4 opfors, including myself. First time to use my WE AK74NU. A GBBR ak carbine…
December 14 2014 Game
Notes:First use of our own Cheap Go Pros: the SJ4000 and the PixPro Mercury by Kodak. 2nd CTO hosted event…
Scanning and Observation Notes
I like how Insurgency has a lot of dust and visibility penalties and the bots have good sneaking AI. They…
October 26 Game Reflections
Lesson from I should do more of the basic Gun Familiarity Drills before the others arrive. I will have the…
Pistol Day with GMan.
Basically hung out with Gman to shoot in his back yard. I live in a condo so I dont have…
DIY Sports Camera Mod for the NOTE 2
Is that a Note 2 on your head or your just happy to see me? Cons: Heavier than a Sports…
Cylcing of Attention, Reflection between fractions of a Second.
Short Bursts vs Long bursts is more about how much “attention” and “tunneling” we allow ourselves in a situation. My…
Nylon Webbing, Fabric, and Polyester
After working with my mom on my weight vest and researching on nylon fabric its like all the vests I…
Aggressive Rhythm, Concentrated Aim, and Fatigue Rhythm Disruption
Aggressive Rhythm is what I am calling the conditioning to Attack when: the defender takes the action to defend, an…
The Two Me’s, Lessons, Weighted Vests
Last game was an unusual experience, because I was hitting at reacting from lessons from the other game while not…
Tactical Boots Research
One of the hardest to find: 8″ high (for ankle support, because this is the small bones and the first…
Excellent News from CTO R&D
I just came from the plant an saw our machine shop. Currently researching how much it costs to machine the…
Running with a Weighted Vest
Basically it is the Weight I lost, 10lbs, is back on. It was stressful on the knees because of the…
Simple Things
Seriously considering Reducing the amount of clutter and equipment I have. Considering going the M4 Route, because I need it…
Zip-Ties to attach Visor to Mesh Mask.
Gearing up for 2014 games. Old Equipment being ziptied to remove gaps and make it easier to put on and…
HK scouting report
Yan On Building has more than 10 airsoft (and related) shops. It even has WW2 uniforms. Guns cost around 6,000php (6php…
Airsoft Cheating phenomenon used as a microcosm to observe social dynamics in the Philippines
Topics one Can Research Regarding Philippine Airsoft Culture. – Cheating extends to supremacy of one’s Tribe/Team, by providing information to…
Back to basics – Cheap ass Shotguns for the Gun Ban
The GunBan is fast approaching. Its just a few more weeks. We are currently looking for a site to locker…
Happy Game with Team Sandwhich
We had a great game with Team Sandwich in Sitting Ducks! More power to them, and great paying with them.
Hosted our First Game
In attendance there were about 22 people who came. There is a real desire by our, CTO’s, allies to have…
Re-armed and rested
Got the WE Glock18 for about Php1000 off market average today. I also got a new “Airsoft bag” which is…
Cheating is really really bad here in the Philippines
There are incredible amounts of cheating going on in Philippine airsoft. One instance that just happen to our team was…
Safety Incident at KM14
We had an incident in KM14, someone used a gun so strong that the when it hit the visor of…
Quiapo Recon
Quaipo Again. I had to get some supplies for the team, and really check out if there really is a…